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N hamata is my favorite highlander that I presently own. How large is your plant and pitchers? How long have you had it?
Mine took a very long time to settle in but now it's making some really cool dark purple pitchers (I wanna try looking at them under a blacklight) but only in the last month has it developed the pitcher buds which were on the leaf ends but never formed since I recieved the plant back in June. I am now getting new growth a lot quicker as well. Perhaps due to the cooler days of winter...?
mindmaze128 thank you for posting pictures of your plants I always love seeing other people
swords some information of the hamata
N. hamata
I got this plant on 10-3-2002
3 3/4in leaf diameter
biggest pitcher is 3in
stem high from the soil 1 1/2in
the plant has 9 fully open leaves
it's in a 2 1/2in pot
todays date 10-4-2002
memo pitcher look as big as the plant has 5 really neat looking pitchers came in pot
You guys have such neat nepenthes
. Jeremiah, is that stenophylla easy for you to grow?
ok my opinion. Wow, wish i had a Hamata, and i'm jealous that you got a lowii and mine is dead. like the red color in the leaves of the macfarlanei. your northiana how do you get it to pitcher. mine will but out leave but w/ no pitchers at all. it is about the same size as yours. your plants look great
i keep the Northiana in the same conditions as you do but here it doesn't get that cold just until lately. it is still in a little bit of shock from recieving it so maybe that might be the problem but i have had the plant since aug. from what i have noticed it does take them a while to adjust to the enviroment here.
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