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Nepenthes clipeata growers

I thought I would pass on this listserve request to out Forum members.

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 19:54:59 -0400
From: Cokendolpher@aol.com
To: Cp@omnisterra.com
Subject: [CP] Nepenthes clipeata Cultivation Survey
Reply-To: Cp@omnisterra.com

Nepenthes clipeata Cultivation Survey

One of the rarest of the tropical pitcher plants, Nepenthes clipeata is
only found on vertical cliff faces of one mountain in Borneo. Due to a
number of factors, the plant now has a low probability of surviving in
the wild. While the protection of wild populations of plants is most
desirable, this is a case in which ex situ conservation appears to be
the approach most likely to be successful and realistic.

An unknown number of strains/clones of this species are in cultivation
worldwide. The Nepenthes clipeata Survival Project (NcSP), under the
auspices of The International Carnivorous Plant Society, is under
development (more on this topic later this summer). As part of the
developing conservation strategy, a survey has been developed to attempt to
determine how many distinct lineages of N. clipeata are presently in
cultivation. If you currently have this plant in cultivation, please submit
your responses to the survey.

The questionnaire is located at:
http://www.carnivorousplants.org/conservation/Nclipeata1.php. If you
prefer to fill out a questionnaire and mail it (e-mail or snail mail),
please let us know (clipeata@carnivorousplants.org). If you have
contacts that are cultivating this plant that are not members of the CP
discussion group on omnisterra.com, we would appreciate you informing them
of the survey. We can send the questionnaire, upon request, either as
an e-mail attachment (preferred) or on paper. For those reading
Japanese, but not English, we can send a translation.

If you know of other CP internet discussion groups, you have our
permission to forward this entire e-mail.

Thanks in advance!
James Cokendolpher
Natural Science Research Lab.
Museum of Texas Tech University
clipeata@carnivorousplants.org or cokendolpher@aol.com

Barry A. Rice, Ph.D.
Director of Conservation Programs
International Carnivorous Plant Society
Something isn't quite working right with the survey. I entered my information and clicked on 'continue with part 2' and got part 1 back all blank.

Probably should give them some time to get the forms and links working correctly.
Nothing to do with the topic, but it's about the listserve. How come I can NEVER send anything to it? It always immediately sends and reply back and says too long of message or something like that, or not accepted because of suspicous header, I am very specific with the subject of the mail, but it never let me rpely, so I got discouraged and never hardly read the e-mails about the listerve anymore. Any ideas?
I think it's a restriction on MIME formatted email.

That rings a bell. Any ideas to how I can fix it? BTW, what's MIME mean?
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

Here you can learn all about it! As to changing it and turning it on/off it depends entirely on the email program your using


the poll worked for me. I'm using Netscape 4.6 with Java and Javascript being disabeled.

Gee thanks Tony!
I think I will just fool around with my e-mail program. Kinda foolish the listserve thing is so picky about MIME. All e-mails should be accepted.
I will have to try the poll again today.  I am using IE5.  I tried last night but the page was down.  So maybe they made some changes.

Dustin, the problem is the listserver can't decode all the MIME messages so instead it was printing the message and all the code showing. Stuff for background and font color, size, spacing, type of font etc.. kinda looks like HTML code all over the message. I have not tried sending a message again but AOL8 you can't turn off the MIME formatting. And I really don't want to sign up for a free yahoo/hotmail email acct just to send messages to the listserver. I had thought they put in a filter to remove the code and keep the message but perhaps it is simply blocking messages in some cases. Perhaps send an email to Rick Walker along with your email program information etc and see what he says.

  • #10
Yahoo has a switch mime off feature. I had the same problem until I clicked off all the graphics. Yahoo also offers some hefty webspace for posting photos to its email participants.