I managed to get some info on N. hurrellii.
Portions of my email from Rob Cantley...
"N. hurrellii is very much like N. veitchii in some ways but with a wider
peristome and usually red/yellow striped peristome, not the golden color of
N. veitchii. It was mistaken for many years as N. veitchii, but some
taxonomist decided it was different enough to be a distinct species and
named it after some guy called Andy Hurrell."
Portions of my email from Rob Cantley...
"N. hurrellii is very much like N. veitchii in some ways but with a wider
peristome and usually red/yellow striped peristome, not the golden color of
N. veitchii. It was mistaken for many years as N. veitchii, but some
taxonomist decided it was different enough to be a distinct species and
named it after some guy called Andy Hurrell."