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okay, I am really starting to be creaped out here. I planted some Cape sundew from... I think the ones I planted were from Tamlin (a lot of people threw in cape sundew seeds, thanks all). Anyways, I have little plants growing where I put the sundew.... but, I really don't think these things are sundew. Either I got weed seeds in only the part of the soil mix I put the Cape seeds into, or I planted something very strange in deed.

They are a medium green, a grass green. That form a rosset of nep or ping shaped leaves that sort of stack on each other to form a little hallow center. The leaves are sort of slick or slimy looking and I can't help but think I'm looking at something more like a butterwart then a sundew. Except, I don't know of any butterwarts that have a hallow center like this.

Would anyone care to clear up what this plant may be? Tamlin, any guesses as to what could have gotten mixed in your seeds if anything? I did notice the seeds were very differnt looking from my other sundews, but I figured it was a Cape sundew thing. Perhaps it is just my inexperience with sundew and this is normal, but honestly, it's really confusing me and I'd sort of like to figure it out befor I plant my next crop of seeds. Thanks all.

"Leaves like a neps/pings..." Unless seeds got messed up (which is not likely if it was Tamlin's
), you probably have some sort of moss growing, as some mosses look like that, with the hollow opening. Pics would help. Good luck-zach
Without photos it is impossible for me to say. None of my Pinguicula have set seed though.
Um well, no, But I love the photo of the baby sundew up top, thats what my others look like.

These plants are most definetly a vascular plant and not a moss, they are not hallow looking any more and now their are 4 o_O The oldest one has really taken off in the growth department and I must say it looks just like a tiney version of a Nep with no pitures. The leaves have also lost their transparent look. I did however get a magnifying glass for X-mas so I'll go see if I can get a photo now.
It's so weird.