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my nep?

I have a hybrid nep, and remember that the person I got it from said that it was a highland. Well I forgot about it all summer here in massachusetts and all of a sudden this cutting is thriving. No water or anything, in my greenhouse, and it is thriving. Any ideas from the terra people? This nep is my first, and slowly becoming my girlfriende. I need help before the neighbors realize I'm crazy. My email is land_pro@hotmail.com so if you feel more secure with that.
We can't tell you what it is without pictures. My bet is on ventrata though... Can you describe it to us if you can't get pics?

Does it look like this in any shade from green to brown to pink to red?
Land, I suggest you edit out your e-mail address. There are web bots and crawlers that scan for this stuff, and will spam the daylights out of ya. Don't ask me how I know. :lol: