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Mini pineapple, Dischidia, Heliconia

Hello everyone.

I have a mini pineapple for trade if anyone is interested. It's about the size of a lime, and it grows to about 1.5 ft in diameter. Like all pineapples, it has a lot of thorns, but it's a pretty plant nontheless. Let me know if you want to see a picture of it. I also have a few Heliconia guyana rhizomes available if anyone is interested.

Hi mindmaze,

I would be interested again. What are you intersested in?
lol copper!


I should have made it clearer in the original post, but I'm interested in any cool plant that you may have, cp or not. I also looked around the shadehouse today and saw that I once again have tons of Dischidia seedlings!!! :S
I will PM you a grow list.
It will be later today or tonight as I am working today.