You know...
if you haven't already written them ( or I might just do it myself )
I went through that whole website the other day when I first saw the link.
I laughed, I cried, I had a cup of coffee
They are having a contest on which criket will survive?!?
I really don't feed my plants, b/c I have way too many...if they catch something, they catch something.
I am going to start playing with different things on feeding these plants that isn't killing anything.
PLUS ( yes there is more )
I am a big animal lover and that had me shows the before ( live rat ) and then a couple of days later they emptied the pitcher and the remains were spread out. VERY SICK and INHUMANE
This is a CP soceity on the west coast that is doing this! FRIGGIN CP LOVERS!
they took a bunch of goldfish and tossed them on a tray of D. adelae and took pics over the course of like 8 days or so. NASTY! And VERY CRUEL!
These plants don't catch this kind of stuff in the wild...some of these plants catch NOTHING AT ALL!!
Anyway...b4 I step down from this soapbox, I encourage people to write whomever you need to ( if you are as upset about this as I am ) and get these people some bad press.
In the meantime, I encourage people to find other ways at feeding your plants ( if you even feel a need to feed them at all )