Thank you so much to the professional, kind voices of reason who posted favorable comments regarding Petflytrap/Exotic Gardens on the CP name a few...Tamlin Dawnstar, Mike King, and a gentleman named Joseph Clemens. They are all stars in my book!
This may be a bit lengthy but here it is.
I recently joined the listserv so I could observe and learn more about CPs. How astonished I was to find many of the "posters" there to be not only full of knowledge but also full of themselves. Such an elitist group I have seldom witnessed. Many of them seem to be unduly harsh regarding this "sweet little site" and too arrogant to share their wealth of information to newcomers and hobbyists. Such a shame.
If they only knew how began and how it has evolved they might be amazed. To compare Petflytrap to a pet rock is sad. The concept of having a carnivorous plant as a "pet" is to say the owners here treat their plants with loving care and concern (as many with people with conventional pets do) and hope that others will do the same. The naysayers do not know of what they speak or care whom they hurt. Did it ever occur to them that these plants may have been the only type of "pet" that Phil or Jeff could have as children? Some people are allergic to conventional pets and adopt other things in their places.
Also, this site was begun out of care and concern for the environment and the endangered plants on our planet. It was begun too to help educate the young and create an awareness of these fun and fascinating plants so they may continue to thrive. The interest in these plants for Phil began at a very young age and he educated himself about them and studied them. It was, as I see it, a bold move to dedicate his career to this endeavor. This site and business has not been an easy path for Phil or Jeff. Jeff too has a true calling and cares much for all things living and endangered. This site and business is not an easy thing and they are still learning and growing. They have tried to create a kind and gentle place where all will feel welcome. For this I applaud them. They welcome one and all. They share information and have tried to accomodate every level. They live simply , have sacrificed much, and are often under much stress to keep this place going. It's not an easy task.
So to everyone here who supports this site and is kind enough to stand up and defend it to the intelligensia and the general public, you have my personal thanks! I thank you for your courage to speak! Your help will preserve the future of CPs for generations to come.
Hopefully this treatise has been taken in the spirit in which it was meant....for you see I am the mom of one of the owners..and I know firsthand what has and does go on behind the scenes of Petflytrap. It is a truly wonderful place and makes me proud every day
This may be a bit lengthy but here it is.
I recently joined the listserv so I could observe and learn more about CPs. How astonished I was to find many of the "posters" there to be not only full of knowledge but also full of themselves. Such an elitist group I have seldom witnessed. Many of them seem to be unduly harsh regarding this "sweet little site" and too arrogant to share their wealth of information to newcomers and hobbyists. Such a shame.
If they only knew how began and how it has evolved they might be amazed. To compare Petflytrap to a pet rock is sad. The concept of having a carnivorous plant as a "pet" is to say the owners here treat their plants with loving care and concern (as many with people with conventional pets do) and hope that others will do the same. The naysayers do not know of what they speak or care whom they hurt. Did it ever occur to them that these plants may have been the only type of "pet" that Phil or Jeff could have as children? Some people are allergic to conventional pets and adopt other things in their places.
Also, this site was begun out of care and concern for the environment and the endangered plants on our planet. It was begun too to help educate the young and create an awareness of these fun and fascinating plants so they may continue to thrive. The interest in these plants for Phil began at a very young age and he educated himself about them and studied them. It was, as I see it, a bold move to dedicate his career to this endeavor. This site and business has not been an easy path for Phil or Jeff. Jeff too has a true calling and cares much for all things living and endangered. This site and business is not an easy thing and they are still learning and growing. They have tried to create a kind and gentle place where all will feel welcome. For this I applaud them. They welcome one and all. They share information and have tried to accomodate every level. They live simply , have sacrificed much, and are often under much stress to keep this place going. It's not an easy task.
So to everyone here who supports this site and is kind enough to stand up and defend it to the intelligensia and the general public, you have my personal thanks! I thank you for your courage to speak! Your help will preserve the future of CPs for generations to come.
Hopefully this treatise has been taken in the spirit in which it was meant....for you see I am the mom of one of the owners..and I know firsthand what has and does go on behind the scenes of Petflytrap. It is a truly wonderful place and makes me proud every day