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Male or female flower

Hey I just noticed my N.Judith Fin is sending up a flower. Any one have a link so I can tell if its male or female?


Male flower-the center part of the flower has a "knot" on the end that is made up of pollen grains. Sometimes these are colored, maybe pinkish red or yellow or whitish.

Female flower-the center part of the flower has a bulge in it, and is more "vase shaped". There is no colored knot at the end, but a sticky surface.

I would like to know the gender your "Judith Finn". Be sure to let us know once the flowers open.

Hehe, I'd tell you about different forum members that have flowers right now, but there are too many at this point
. I'll let them do it thereselves
That's it I have ordered a close up lens for my digital camera. I am sick of not being able to get nice shots of my plants. This pic is not going to be clear enough but this is what is looks like at the moment.

Just out of curiosity what size pot is that in the picture?
Also, about how old is your nep?

Hi Andre,

your flower hasn't opened yet, so you can't see the sex. You have to wait for the first flower to open or you might break one open if you can't wait.

Male N. tentaculata flower:


Female N. inermis x ventricosa flower:


Cheers Joachim
The pot is a odd shape with a flat back so I can hang it in my terrarium. The dimensions are 7" long 5" wide and 4" deep. I have had the plant one year and its doubled in size since I got it, however it was a nice size to begin with.
how old is it
and what kind of conditions is it in
2--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jmenprkr @ Oct. 16 2003,6
2)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">how old is it
and what kind of conditions is it in[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Not sure how old it is but I have had it for a year.  It is grown in a terrarium, humidity varies between 70%-90% depending if the humidifier /air exchanger is on ( 15 min on/off cycle) and if the tank lights are on. The lights are on about 14 hours a day, the tank gets a little hotter during the day up to about 25 degrees and then down to about 18-20 at night with the lights off.

The flower has still not opened but here is a better picture of it.
