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Looking for..

Hey all,
I am looking for a N. Bicalcarata. Does anybody have one to trade with? Thanks.
I have a couple small Bicalcarta basal shoots rooting right now. They are about 2"-3" across and have pitchers forming. What do you have to trade?
i might be interested
Still looking?

What do you have to trade?
If you are serious about N. bicalcarata then you might be interested in one of my tissueculture projects. I have 20 clones of bicalcarata from seed made from two wild collected parents (legally collected in the 70's, no worries). I started this project while still attending Cal State Univ. Fullerton. While keeping the 20 clones going in vitro, I also am growing them up ex vitro. The final goal is to have adults, know their sex and adult form etc. and have plants still in propagation in vitro. In addition to the 20, I have other clones from crosses of superior clones grown on the east coast. Anyone else propagating Nepenthes or cp in vitro in can contact me for trade of clones. I have several of these clones ready for trade for other plants _of equal value._ Good Growing!
Ed Read