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Looking for Genlisea hispidula


It’s a trap!
I am looking for Genlisea hispidula or Genlisea pygmaea. Does anyone know how much this plant goes for? I have been in contact with a fellow, but he is asking between $12 - $24 per plant.



I'll be propagating my plant soon and will keep you in mind if it works out. Right now I am trying to get plants to form on the scapes: this time I am keaving them attached to the plants and am just bending them over and tucking them into the moss. It worked well with G. violacea so cross your fingers!
If you are having trouble with the newly formed plantlets rotting try starting them on milled sphag that is only just damp. That seems to work well for mine.
How is everyone growing their Genlisea? I am planning on making an attempt at the growing container found in "The Savage Garden".


I am really feeling my way with the genus, it is new to me. So far I seem to have the best success using dead LFS moss, kept waterlogged. I allow it to dry to just moist and then flood the plant so that water is visable at the surface. I keep lobata somewhat drier with no visable water. I suspect that like Utricularia, the plants are adaptable to most ranges of wet and dry.
Mine grow in the same conditions as terrestrial utrics - peat-sand mix, water at varying levels.
I gow my G.violacea 'Giant' in a small undrained clear container about 2 inches tall in a mix of peat/sand and a little perlite (i used left over soil from a sundew mix). I have had no problems yet. It is currently flowering. I water it when the soil looks barely damp by dumping water from the top creating a "flooded" look. Good luck-Zach
Hey Nick,
Saw plant offered on the dreaded ebay -http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2060239376 but suspect that you might have already seen this. Btw the guy selling this plant is a great person to do business with.
Hope this helps
$13 bucks plus shipping? Holy crap. I'm in the wrong business.
  • #10
I grow mine similar to Tamlin with a few exceptions/differences. For my hispidula, violacea 'giant,' sp. 'Itacambrian Beauty,' ABG unknown and lobata I grow in LFS in 3" water lily pots. For my pallida, pygmaea, repens and filiformis I use a 2:1 sand:peat mix top dressed with milled sphag in 2" seedling pots. All are in a terrarium that I run on a flood and dry cycle similar to Tamiln's. My lobata is also kept a little drier, sitting on a riser that keeps it an inch above all the others. The plants in LFS get a wash through every couple of days.
  • #11
Thank you all for the great info!

  • #12
How large do these plants get? I just got a G. hispidula and a G. pygmaea that can sit on a dime with room to spare.

They are currently in a pot with dead LFS that is flooded to just about 1 cm under the surface of the moss.

  • #13
Once they are established they will spread by dividing and by sending up shoots from the traps. G. hispidula will spread quite quickly once it established, G. pygmaea will spread more slowly, doubling in size each year or so.

G. pygmaea has leaves about 2-3mm wide and 1cm long when mature. G, hispidula has larger leaves - about 1cm across.