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Live Chat Room

  • Thread starter Wado
  • Start date
Just wondering if there is a live chat room for cp growers, would be great to catch up with some of you lot over a live chat medium.
Hey Wado,

We've considered a live chat room... but it never seems that people are all on here at the same time... so it may just stay empty...

I figured once we had about 100 more members or so... we would try to fire up a live chat to see how people liked it.

I figure between 400 and 500 members, we should be able to have enough regulars to keep a chat going...

I'll keep you posted!
I am on here every day and almost constantly. Well, at 15-30 minute intervals
i think by now we all realize that youre here all the time nep!

kinda addicting isnt it?
there are 307 users now, at the front page.
That could be interesting.
So when we 400 to 500 members. I look forward to it!
It'll be #### good fun! We could set up a "ready to chat" button that signals your in the chat room ready to chat and then other people can see your there and will come to talk. Pretty swift idea eh?
Swift like a Jack Russell terrier to a telephone pole!
No jk that just popped into my head sorry

And because we have forumites (I won't give up calling forum users that as it sounds funny) all over the world, this chat room would always be an active, lively place.
Poor dog!
You have an interesting mind Chris. But yes! it would be fairly lively!