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Light Problems

I live in the UK, in Wales. This time of year there is mostly cloud on each day. When there is sun, it is still too cold to put my Vft 's outside, so i put them on the sunniest window-sill. I manage to keep the temperature in the aquarium in which they are growing to 20 dc and above for most days.
The problem is i don't think they are getting enough light, whilst they look healthy, they could be bigger. I also want redish traps. I need to invest in some artificial light source i think. I have no knowledge of what type of bulb to use, or how close to the plants the bulb needs to go.

I need help plz.
I grow several VFTs under growlights that have redish traps. Go out and buy a cheap double bulb fixture. The fixture should be a flourescent bulb one. Then buy two "growlight bulbs" . Place your plant at no more than 14cm away. Buy a timer and have the lights on for 14 hours.
Thanks for the advice. What type of double fixture do you mean ? One with a reflective dome around it ?? or just a normal lamp with a 'grow bulb'.
One with a reflective dome is best and you have to have at least to bulbs.
Thanks for the reply. Any idea of where i can get this type of light fitting and 'grow' bulbs in the UK, like a online order service or something, I can't find them anywhere, only £300 ones.....................
Sense I'm in the US I don't really know. You could try something like a hardware store or pet fish store. Just make sure it says that its for growing plants and not just making them look better.
I've bought a two-bulb, 20W "Shop Light" for US &#364.75 at the local appliance warehouse, and one soft-white bulb and one Sylvania "Gro-light" bulb for an average of &#364 each. There is no immense expense involved, as long as you are willing to just sit an ugly, ugly light fixture on top of the tank, or hang it from the ceiling.

40 watt bulbs are better than the 20 watt ones. Remember to keep the plants close to the lights for the best results. Light follows the law of inverse square: the same light twice as far away is four times less bright. With flourescents this means a few inches of distance is significant.
Thanks for the help. Red traps here we come!