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Latest gemmae shipment

If you have sent me a SASE and have not yet received gemmae, keep a look out on the mail box. Another 20 envelopes will go out today. Things are slowing down with gemmae production, but I may yet be able to provide gemmae to those who are interested of a few species. Still available are D. pulchella x ericksoniae, D. paleacea ssp. roseana, D. pulchella x nitidula and a few other odds and ends.

If you have made a request, and still have not received anything by next week or so, please drop me an email: some things fall through the cracks.

My current tally is up to 136 growers, and close to 1000 individual packs of gemmae sent.

Thanks to Andrew Beauchamp, Victor Brown and Michael Ludwig for their generous donation of stamps to help with the sendings.

Happy New Year to you all!
Wow, this is so great. Just think of how cool it would be if we started doing this sort of thing with all our CPs, it could really help improve the population level of endangerd types, and re-expand their gene pool

If I ever get rare plants that produce in the summer, I'm going to steal your idea, lol.


P.S. Did I mention how cool it is that you do this?