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is this meaningless?


I needed a ride from work today. I asked a man if he could point me in the direction of the station.. and when i got there, there was a crowd of people standing around and talking. I asked one of the men what this place was? He said this was the Conversation Station. I told the man i need a ride somewhere. The old man told me, words can take you farther then you think.

Just a funny thought i come up with. Thought i'd share it with you guys.
Sounds like a lame poster from the 5th grade lmao. Sort of like "Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you'll land among the stars!"
Ummm.... people can sound intellectual by coming up with a phrase that isn't clear as to its "deeper meaning". He probably heard that phrase from someone else. Humans are real good at parrotting what they hear and read, without actually experiencing whatever. Just think of all the catchy sayings our society swallows as truths and then ask yourself if they really are true.
Or maybe he was truly enlightened... or on drugs... or both.

lol, you guys. The metaphor is something along the lines of, you make what you can of yourself.