Hello everybody,
My baby cephs are turning yellow and I'm unsure why, it is in the same conditions as my other ones but one ones pitchers are turning yellow and the other the leaves and a pitcher are as well(already had to cut two ) Could I be giving it too much light (they are under T5 bulbs)? I moved them to the bottom shelve of my mini greenhouse in thought that it might be too hot for it at the top. I water my cephs. from above and don't allow them to be waterlogged but I'm noticing that the moss is also kind of drying, could it be that the humidity isn't high enough?
Any thoughts on why this is happening? :-(
My baby cephs are turning yellow and I'm unsure why, it is in the same conditions as my other ones but one ones pitchers are turning yellow and the other the leaves and a pitcher are as well(already had to cut two ) Could I be giving it too much light (they are under T5 bulbs)? I moved them to the bottom shelve of my mini greenhouse in thought that it might be too hot for it at the top. I water my cephs. from above and don't allow them to be waterlogged but I'm noticing that the moss is also kind of drying, could it be that the humidity isn't high enough?
Any thoughts on why this is happening? :-(
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