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Inducing gemmae production

Hello all!

Well, I'd like some good gemmae from my D. 'Lake badgerup', so, I read about the reduction in length of daylight, but what's a legitimate reduction sundew wise? So far, I reduced it about 25 minutes, now should I let it just get acclimated?
Gradual reduction to about 8-10 hours of light followed by uninterupted dark is what I have heard.
Wellllll, the only teeny, tiny, teeeeeeny thing is: It's in a terrarium with neps!
So, should I take them out?
P.S. Thanks!
Mine usually produce gemmae in the fall: october or novemberish. So what Pyro recommends sounds about right.
You do not have to take out the nepenthes. The pygmy droserae that I grow outdoors produce gemmae during late Nov.-Jan and sometimes into Feb.
But if he isn't growing them outdoors then he will need to vary the photoperiod in order to induce gemmae production. What he is asking is: will the reduced photoperiod neccessary to induce gemmae production have any effect on the neps that would neccessitate their removal from the terrarium.

I don't know the answer. You should ask in the nep group.
Actually I meant should I take out the pygmies (3)