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I'll be leaving (the state) tonight...


apple rings.. what more can i say?
Tonight around 9 : 00 I will be going off to North Carolina. I'll be gone about a week. I'm deeply planning on going to NCBG while I'm there. I'll be in Goldsborough. The relatives' house that I will be visiting has a computer, so I will still be able to log on occasionally, so I won't get too behind. I've decided to just put the greenhouse on the screened-in back porch and have my friend, who will be coming over every day to take care of the fish and leopard gecko and non-carnivorous plants, take care of them. Well, just wanted to let ya know!

Okiedokie, I'm here! Drove all night from nine last night until seven this morning, no stops other that potty breaks and eat breaks. Well, at least I'm here. Constant sounds of jets going  over the house. This house is on Seymour Johnston Airforce Base, sooo... yeah. GACK! ALL THE HOUSES LOOK THE SAME!!! ATTACK OF THE CLONES!!! PEEPS IN MILITARY UNIFORMS AT THE GATE!!! I.D. NEEDS! CAR REGISTRATION NEEDS! MAXIMUM SECURITY!!!! GAAAAAHHH! Ooooooo.... maximum security! Weekly van and other large vehicles searches! SECURITY!!! WEEEEEE!!!
Go check out my latest post in the Pitcher Plants forum. I thought this post was deleted... ***blushes***
Have a great time and a safe flight! Maybe take a few pictures if you see any cps

Flight? What flight??? I drove, man!
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Travis @ July 15 2003,7:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Have a great time and a safe flight! Maybe take a few pictures if you see any cps

Travis[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
if you read her posts you would have seen that she drove

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Ahhhhhhh... it's good to be home... mmmmmmmmm... well, during my trip, one of my goldfish back at home, a black moor named Banjo, died of unknown causes. We think he got stuck in the little cave, because his body was bent and twisted at a wierd angle, halfway out of the top hole of the cave. My friend bought me another one. He's only an inch long! CUUUUTE! Well, all the other fish are fine, leopard gecko's fine, and the primuliflora is sending up another flower stalk!!! This new flower will be a precious comfort from when the other one got snapped off when the greenhouse... well, you know the story. All the other CPs are doing good... and the trap on one of my common VFTs that got half-snapped off during the greenhouse incident, which gave me a trap that was only there a quarter of an inch up (lengthwise), then it wasn't there, opened!!! It lookes wierd.... only half there... anyhowees, the Darlings are really growing, and one of the adelaes got HUGE! Well, HUGE compared to before... anyhowees, everything has gone fairly well since I was gone. Just wanted to give y'all an update!
