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Identify a plant by description only?

I got a nepenthes from Home Depot or Gublers and all it said was that it's a hybrid but it did not specify which one. It is green with thick waxy leaves adn the pitchers are lightish green with what looks like developing spots and the have hairs on the outer part of the pitcher beneath the opening. There are no teeth and it's a baby so I don't know what else I could tell you. Anybody know?
It is probably a juvenile pitcher... Does it look like a pear? My gublers turned out to be Ventrata...
Yep probably going to have to wait till it gets bigger and pitchers have more mature characteristics. Gublers sells several different hybrids. Of which they are not sure what the parentage is on them. I think one is xVentrata and one of the others is some sort of maxima hybrid.
I also heard that one of thier hybrids is a Coccinea like Nepenthes.
I've boughten 3 different mature hybrid plants marked as "Nepenthes Coccinea" from garden centers. I don't know if they're from gubblers or where they're from. Here's what I believe I really have:
Nepenthes X Coccinea (this one has the correct looking pitchers)
Nepenthes X Morgiana (Kind of like a "Coccinea" but lime green with only sparse red spots and squater pitchers)
Nepenthes X Mixta (Northiana x Maxima looks real nice)

I also bought some Neps in 3" pots which I have no idea what they are, so far I think it's a toss up between either N. Spatulata or a N. X Judith Finn. But the largest seedling is now only 7" across so it'll be a whle before I know just what it is.

Good luck on figuring out what you've got!
It is unlikely that you have a Spathulata from a garden center!
If the 3 inch potted Neps came from a place called Botanical Wonders the Nep you have it either N.Ventricosa or N. Veitchii x Truncata, like I got at my local Lowe's. But hey! Just by a very long shot could be a Spathulata but it is VERY rare! That's sorta like finding an N.Campanulata in a Home Depot or Lowe's!
Now that I have some ideas on what it is can anyone tell me how to care for it properly. Are these lowland or highland plants. Do they need a temperature drop at night? You know the usual I got this plant because I felt sorry for it's miserable life leading slowly to death and now I don't know what I'm gonna do with it stuff. Thanks again from the newie. Shauntell
If a nep doesnt like what you are doing, it will tell you by dying.

My Gubler's nep, when I first bought it, was in its own pot, that it came in... It is not super fussy about humidity, but if you want pitchers, you have to make an effort. If you can fit it into a terrarium with a bit of water under the nep's tray, it should do fine.

I did that myself, but then when I took it out, it pretty much stalled, you should get a humidifier from the drugstore... around thiry dollars... Keep the room humid and it will pitcher... Other than that, it doesnt neeed much. As long as its humid, you an keep it by a windowsill. I dont think temps have been too important for mine...
It is most likely a lowland hybrid so put it in a room temp or 60-80F area and it should be fine.
  • #10
Ventrata is kinda highlandish....

Just do what I did... It survived in Canada from february to now, and its doing exceptionally well...
  • #11
My gublers is producing 4inch pitchers now and is living is a terrarium. It seems it would not produce ptichers if grown on windowsill for me. Mine has large pitchers with spikes wings, red/white lip and red spotted green ptichers.
  • #12
NG, like I said, I have no idea what these are. They don't look like any X Judith Finns I've seen in photos but since it's sold simply as "Nepenthes" (by the Little Pot of Horrors company) it's parentage is always up for grabs. But just going by pics of spathulata in books and so forth that's what the pitchers look like (only much smaller of course) so it has plenty time to evolve into something that looks very different in a year or two.
And personally, on looks of the pitchers, I hope it does!
  • #13
I had no intention to slam you but I was just saying, It is like finding a Campanulata in a Home Depot or a Drugstore.
But if it matches a picture and description then it could be a long shot but a seed could have slipped into a TC jar and popped up as a Spathulata! If it is I will drink out of an S.Purp urea.
  • #14
The company that produces the Little Pot of Horrors and the Botanical Wonders line is near a company that mass produces nepenthes by tc. While the tc company keeps their plants labelled, the Botanical Wonders/LPOH company doesn't bother. There are only a few options as far as what these plants are: ventricosa red, alata/ventrata (the tc company has 3 clones, only one of which is true alata), xJudith Finn, mixta superba. Botanical Wonders/LPOH also has some access to coccinea and a few other very common plants, like gracilis, that are easier to identify. These are the only possibilities to consider when trying to identify them. Remember, too, that if you plant to propogate by cutting or by producing seed, it isn't wise to attempt a guess at an unknown nepenthes. Tag the plant as LPOH or Botanical Wonders, but leave it as unidentified. If you pass your plant along by propogating it, you'll only add to the confusion. Oz
  • #15
Great info OZ, how did you ever find that out? And a thing about these "gubler" plants, they do pretty good in terrariums so even though you dont noe the species or parentage, it will make a cool looking plant (hopefully saved from some nursery, etc)!!!
  • #16
Who produces these LPOH/Botanical Wonders plants? Does the parent company have a website? (asking in hopes they'd have some photos on there) I searched on LPOH and only came up with some posts of people asking about em.
  • #17
I think Zach nails it on the head. If you grow these unknowns for display, they still look pretty cool. Gubler's, by the way, is getting their plants from the same tc company in Florida, so they're all pulling the same plants from the same source. Oz
  • #18
Hey, Parasuco, thanks for the tip. I'll try to remember that if they're dead it's because they didn't like their living conditions and all this time I thought that was a good thing.
Right now the plant is in a fish tank with all my other guys and it has a lizard humidifier in there but I don't know how high it is. The inside of their domes are nice and misty though. The temp is pretty high though because it's been five million degrees here so I'll watch out for that death thing you were talking about. Thanks everyone. Shauntell