First off, don't apologize. We all were at the beginner stage and we all had questions. This forum is here for the purpose of offering help and answering questions.
Now, for how to care for your Drosera. I am going to assume that you have it potted up in a soil mix of peat:sand or peat

erlite in a 1:1 ratio. So, take the pot and put it in a watering tray (anything a few inches deep will work for this, bowls, old kitty litter tubs, those cheapo clear plastic trays from WalMart.) Now fill the tray with about and inch or so of water and keep it about that level. All you have to do now is make sure it gets good light so put it in a window that gets a couple hours of sun or put it in a terrarium with a couple flourescent tubes over it. That is about all you have to do, there really isn't anything you have to do every single day.
Now, some things to keep in mind. What I have given you here is just the basics and I would suggest you do 3 things to help you and your plants. First, keep asking questions, we don't mind answering and we are not going to bite. Second, check out the CP FAQs at The material here will keep you busy for some time. Third, go to your library or bookstore and get a copy of 'The Savage Garden' by Peter D'Amato, this is pretty much the CP bible and will come in handy when you start to expand your collection.
I hope all this helps and welcome to the forum