Hi everyone,
I keep a wide variety of carnivorous plants...from cephalotus to Nepenthes...but for some reason, I just can't keep VFT's alive. Here are two pics of what usually happens to the traps:
In the first pic, you can see what happens to existing traps...a unique "striped-like" decay initially appears, eventually spreading to the whole trap. The second picture is what happens to some traps before they even form completely. This same thing even happens to new VFT's that I place in the terrarium....takes about 3 weeks to a month for them to start declining healthwise.
I'm keeping them in the following conditions: 50/50 peat/sand mix; lighting = 2 40W cool white flourescents; water = distilled. I even keep some Sarracenia and Drosera in the same terrarium...they do wonderfully. Could this be due to inadequate air circulation? Any help would be greatly appreicated. Thank you.
I keep a wide variety of carnivorous plants...from cephalotus to Nepenthes...but for some reason, I just can't keep VFT's alive. Here are two pics of what usually happens to the traps:
In the first pic, you can see what happens to existing traps...a unique "striped-like" decay initially appears, eventually spreading to the whole trap. The second picture is what happens to some traps before they even form completely. This same thing even happens to new VFT's that I place in the terrarium....takes about 3 weeks to a month for them to start declining healthwise.
I'm keeping them in the following conditions: 50/50 peat/sand mix; lighting = 2 40W cool white flourescents; water = distilled. I even keep some Sarracenia and Drosera in the same terrarium...they do wonderfully. Could this be due to inadequate air circulation? Any help would be greatly appreicated. Thank you.