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I am new

Ok, I am new here, in fact I have been a CP grower for a week! Last week I bought some seeds for a sundew but today I bought my first grown VFT. It was in a garden center and lots of people had closed the traps by putting a bunch of dirt and leaves in them.
Now I have done my research and i know that the trap will only fully close if there is movement in the trap AFTER it has closed for the first time before it releases acid. I want to know how long they will take to re-open. Also will these artificially closed traps damage the plant?
Also for it's first meal, I fed it a worm about a 1/2 inch long, it is eating it and i want to know how long it will take for the trap to reopen after a meal.
Thanks for helping a newbie!
When it is artificially closed, it should open over night, but if it has something in it which is alive (soon to be dead) will open in about a week - 2 weeks.

Hope I helped
Hey James,

Welcome to the forums!
Your VFT traps will reopen between a few hours and a day or two. Traps can open and close a certain amount of times, 3-6 I believe. After that the trap will not close, but will stay open and act like a regular leaf soaking up light. Since traps don't need to be fed often, it's okay if you don't have a chance to feed it until new traps develop and open.

Worms are generally good VFT food, remember to give it a piece that's approx 3/4 the size of the trap - if the trap can't close completely the food may rot and mold the trap later on.

I'm not an expert on digestion - I've noticed the time it takes depends on what kind of bug it gets, how large the bug is, and how healthy the VFT is. Mine usually take 4 days - 2 weeks to digest.

Have fun!