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How\'s this for a monster?...

Wow, that's cool. Is it the 'creeping death'?
Yes, I belive that is the Creeping Death VFT. Also very nice and VERY healthy plant! Nice picture AM!
I am full of envy at this moment! Dang that would even make a nice hanging plant. Very Nice!!!!!!
dude, thats one scary plant lol. i want one!!!
I think thath the petiole is a little wide for the 'Creeping Death' VFT, although it is obviously a similar mutation. Possibly a CD VFT grown in low light.
I doubt the 'Creeping Death' flytrap has found its way into the UK yet. Looks like some old flytraps grown with high humidity and lower lighting.
It doesn't look like a mutation to me. This just looks like normal summer leaf growth. If you look down at the bottom of the plant there are some wide spring leaves, and from the plants around this is obviously Midsummer. Not all flytraps produce these upright summer leaves but most of my plants do. This looks like a very vigorous plant though!
The VFT in question is not a 'creeping death' or whatever... :)  The plant you see is on my father-in-law's section of my web site and is stock from a plant I gave him about 3 years ago.

I bought the plant in question from Marston Exotics about 12 years ago and it was just labelled as a normal VFT (I doubt VFT clones/mutations were around then).

The plant does grow very spindly in greenhouse conditions.  Bruce's plant is a pretty huge specimen though.

So, maybe it's the growing conditions, maybe it is slightly different but it's got no name to it.  In both his greenhouse and mine it exhibits these properties of large-ish traps on long stems.

Hope this helps!

  • #10
NOOOOOOOO! You've ruined all the mystery astilla! JK, heheh. :biggrin:
  • #11
WOW!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I am so full of envy that I find it hard to breathe!

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>AMAZING!!!</span>