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How can you tell they are ready?

My VFT is making shorter leaves, and I think the next batch will become prostrate in the next couple of weeks... My Dews have produced hibernaculas... How do I know when a sarr is ready for dormancy? I am probably going to bring my dews into my downstairs window soon, and my VFT is gonna come in very soon as well... I don't want to deprive any of my plants of sunlight though. They're gonna get some, but not nearly as much as they're getting now though...

Thoughts? Thanks!
Sarracenia will make a large "swelled" gorwing point looking like a large flora pimple.
Anyhow, yes my temperate drosera are all shut down for the season and my S.Purpurea subsp. venosa's and purpurea's are all done and VFT's are coming into being done. Darlingotnia is coming soon and S.Leucophylla is still going and Flava,Rubra and Catesbaie noticably slower.
Well. Two problems with that. hehehe...

For my purp venosa... There are som many crowns, all i can see its hoods and pools of water, no growth point. Its clustered really tight... My purp purp has some live moss (i got some from my nana's yaaaaaaaay... i gave some to my seedlin nep too, awww), am i supposed to dig down?

Once they have these symptoms, do i bring them in, or do they still benefit from benig outside?
No I wouldn't worry about it. Purp purp will be fine outside and they should have already "swelled" up. Venosa should stop soon or is already stopped, mine is at least. So just wait will spring. and when new growth comes cut off allt he old pitchers. Or cut them off when they start to spot up with pitcher wall deterioration.
Ugh, I'm a disease, look how much I post!!!

Alright. So basically juts wait till I have to bring them in? I don't wanna risk leaving anyhting outside, because as you may know, we've had alot of frozen-dry winters, and thats not good, there needs ta be snow and stuff for a 'healthy' freeze..... I'll wait to see how the pitchers hold up. That will be my guage...

Actually my purp purp is making a new pitcher as we speak,a ndt here are two teency babies coming up too, so I'm not sure its quite ready, heheh...