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Here is what i did.

hey, this is what i did, i remove the baby ven from my terrrarium. i took a small bucket and filled it with distilled water, carefully and slowly i swooshed it around to get all the empty soil out, then i took put the plant and emptied the bucket, while taking the plant out i noticed small white insect like things crawling on the growth point, i am thinking they are fungus gnats, since i recalled thaat when Richard had fungus gnats he took the plant and submerged it under water for 24 hours. so i tried it, i took the bucket, filled it with distilled water and placed the baby plant inside, and i am guessing it will drown the bugs that i saw. then on thursday at 5:30 pm est i will take it out of the water carefully and plant it in a LFS/perlite mix. and pray that it will grow, i didnt have any fungicide so i am pissed off about that, i have the fungicide in the mail along with super thrive too, from pft.com so soon i hope to get it. Hope the little ven. lives,

any chances? is what i did a good idea?


(Edited by Stefano1 at 6
9 pm on April 24, 2002)
I think the chances are ok but I wouldn't expect to see any results for quite some time. This will be an extreme shock to the plant. As long as you look at it and it's not dying you should feel good... if it dies, well, that's life. Good luck though.