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Help with Darlingtonia

I just bought 2 Darlingtonias at Lowes. I could not help myself they were only 2.50 and in the nice plastic boxes. I have tried to keep them alive before without any luck. I am open to any sugestions.
Hi Magore

I haven't had much luck with darlingtonia. They are a bit more tricky than some other pitcher plants. My understanding is they need to have their roots kept cool. I've seen recommendations for watering with refrigerated water (distilled or rain water) or placing ice in the pots and letting it melt and keeping the roots shaded from hot sun. However I've read posts from many people who don't use any of those methods and have success growing them. I may try again at a later date once I can provide a better environment.

You might want to check out www.sarracenia.com at the FAQ section which offers growing information on CPs (if you haven't already found that site).

I'm sure someone esle who's had success with darlingtonia will drop by to offer some better pointers.

Good luck!
Something to try. Grow one as you would normally (whatever that is). Take the other one and wet it thoroughly and put it in a zip lock bag and put it in your fridge till around November. In November take it out and try to get it to grow through the winter months. In essence you are reversing the growing cycle of the plant so it grows in the cooler months. This will simulate its normal growing conditions. Also they really don't need much in the way of soil. I saw some that were growing in nothing but water so they like to be extremely wet.

If I'm way off base here somebody please let me know.
I also got a Cobra Lily but it was more expensive 8.50 because it was in a CP collection and also from the same store. Also once you have the plant I would definately replant the plant because these guys require cool running water and if you keep it in the box the plant will die.

Here is what I have done with my Cobra and has worked well for me:

Repot in a mix of LF sphag and perlite or lava rock (1:1) in a 6" or larger light coloured pot. Place the whole in a fairly deep tray (I use an old white dog food bowl.) Fill the tray. At least once a day, more frequently when really hot) use a turkey baster to suck the water from the tray and squirt it around the plant. This provides the cool flowing water the plant seems to prefer and the deep water resevoir also helps to keep the roots cool

These were originaly 8.50, but I got talking with the lady in charge. The display was stuck back in the corner and I pointed it out to her and told that the plants were dying in their current position. I helped her move the display and clean it up. She went thru the plants and picked out the ones she thought were too far gone. I picked out the ones I thought I could save and got the plastic boxed ones for 2.50 and the small plastic pot ones for 1.00. She said that she hated getting the plants in because most died, but it was a corporate item that was forced on her.

Hi Marjorie
The problem I see you having is your hi night time temps. Here in Oregon where Darlingtonia grow, night time temps get as low as 50 deg. even in the summer. If your house is air conditioned you could always bring in your plants at night or maybe put ice cubes on the top soil befor you go to bed. Hope this helps.
P.S. I love the idea of you trying to revers the growing season, it would be a cool experiment.