These forums are hosted by Exotic Gardens ( A.K.A. ). Because Exotic Gardens sells Carnivorous Plants, it is not considered good form to post links to other websites selling similar items.
I understand that the Heliamphora had sold out before many people could order them. However, this happens during clearance sales and one cannot do much about it. After all, it is a clearance sale. Once the items are sold, there will be no more until the item is restocked and priced ( albeit not at the clearance price ). If someone wants to point someone to another source that sells the “Currently Out-of-Stock” plant, they can do so with a private message, or if the user has allowed it, a simple e-mail message.
As far as Heliamphora being easy to grow... I have found them much easier than I had first thought. I keep mine in my basement, which stays no warmer than 70°F during the day and roughly 65°F at night. The plant is under a plastic dome, with vent holes, to keep the humidity high, but not so much as to cause rotting. The plant is watered from the top until water can be seen in the saucer. I allow the water to get to the point where its about ready to disappear and I water again. This maybe several days or the next day. This has worked well for me. I plan to move it to a terrarium once I get things moved about.
Here is an older photo of my Heliamphora:
Since the above photo, it has produced its first mature pitcher with a nectar spoon.