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hay i wanna share a song

, just wanna share this song, i like it!, is from adriana calcanhotto or adriana partimpim, is name oitos años: :p

Por que você é flamengo
E meu pai botafogo?
O que significa
"impávido colosso"?

Por que os ossos doem
Enquanto a gente dorme?
Por que que os dentes caem?
Por onde os filhos saem?

Por que os dedos murcham
Quando estou no banho?
Por que as ruas enchem
Quando está chovendo?

Quanto é mil trilhões
Vezes infinito?
Quem é jesus cristo?
Onde estão meus primos?

Well, well, well

Por que o fogo queima?
Por que a lua é branca?
Por que a terra roda?
Por que deitar agora?

Por que as cobras matam?
Por que o vidro embaça?
Por que você se pinta?
Por que o tempo passa?

Por que que a gente espirra?
Por que as unhas crescem?
Por que o sangue corre?
Por que que a gente morre?

Do que é feita a nuvem ?
Do que é feita a neve?
Como é que se escreve
Reveillòn? well, well, well, gabriel...(bis)

On english (i dont traduce it so probably it is full or errors, computers have mistakes...),

Why you is flamengo and my father botafogo?
What it means "fearless colossus"?
Why the bones donate While people sleep?
Why that the teeth fall? For where the children leave?

Why the fingers wither When are in the bath?
Why the streets full When are raining?
How much he is a thousand trillions Times infinite?
Who is Jesus Christ? Where they are my cousins?

Well, well, well Gabriel... (bis)

Why the fire burns? Why the moon is white?
Why the land wheel? Why to lie down now?
Why the snakes kill? Why the glass embaça?
Why you if it paints? Why the time passes?

Why that people sneeze? Why the nails grow?
Why the blood runs? Why that people die?
Of that the cloud is made? Of that the snow is made?
How it is that Reveillòn is written? well, well, well, Gabriel... (bis)
Sounds like a pretty cool song- a lot of the lyrics aren't coherent as translated, but it sounds like a kick butt song anyway!

Don't you just love that when you become infatuated with a particular song?
it makes sence but the sylables (i think thats the word used for it) would take up to much room and the song would sound weird but you get the jist of the song from the translation!

yeah! i love it, but anyway i dont have girlfriend yet... all bossa nova songs are romantic and happy, well only ones are a litle sad ._. but they are cool, glad u all like tha song.
Gee, and I thought it was going to be the old Edie Gorme song called, "Blame It On The Bossanova"!
ive heared that song, but i love more happy crazy songs, there is one from adirana too, called lig lig lig le, is crazy too
You'd love the Macarena!
XD lol jim, i ve heared it.