this is great! i was at a local nursery and i saw that they got some nice CPs in large pots full of live moss. well after closer examination, i noticed that there were little pings in the pots under the larger plants that were blooming. there were also sundews and a species of terrestrial utric living in the larger (for sale) plants pots. well, i looked at the utrics and noticed they had just got dome blooming and had ripe seed pods on them! sooooooo......i just kinda plucked a couple of the stalks out of there. i also found a ripe ping seed pod! i got that too. i didnt have anything to put the seeds in so i got a dollar bill and wrapped them in it. well, i sewed the seeds in this mini bog thing i made in a big water dish. im hoping they germinate. all the seeds were fresh. these plants were all hitch hikers in the larger plants pots. it was
i dont know what kind of utrics they are. the plants leaves are really small ( 2 to 3 millimeters ) and are pointed. the flower stalks are short ( 2 inches tall ) i didnt see any with open flowers, but there were some that were starting to open..they looked like they were white flowers, but not sure cause they were just starting to open. im just hoping its not does anyone have a pic of subulata (the whole plant, leaves and all) so i can compare? thank you all and take care
i dont know what kind of utrics they are. the plants leaves are really small ( 2 to 3 millimeters ) and are pointed. the flower stalks are short ( 2 inches tall ) i didnt see any with open flowers, but there were some that were starting to open..they looked like they were white flowers, but not sure cause they were just starting to open. im just hoping its not does anyone have a pic of subulata (the whole plant, leaves and all) so i can compare? thank you all and take care