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Grow lights

I have a 36'' shop light that i was going to use in my room. It has regular flourescant lights. Is this ok? And about humidity, instead of a humidifier, can I mist the plants everyday or so?

P.S. I am going to use it for N. Ventricosa, N. Khasainia, and maybe N. Sanguienea (sp?) i have the temps all figured out, its just that room that im moving into gets maybe 2 hours of light each day The room that I sleep in (right now), gets 6 hours, but Im switching rooms with my sister, and its sits where the house and trees block off all the light except for a little tiny bit of miday light
Normal fluorescents are fine. They will need to be fairly close to the plants (8-10 inches or so.. assuming it is a two tube fixture).

Misting will not do a whole lot for the plants. It evaporates way too quickly to be of much good in affecting the overall humidity around the plants. The plants you mention are good candidates for growing on a windowsill but try to condition them slowly if they are not accustomed to it. Unless you live in an area that has a 20% relative humidity level all the time.
In which case they would need to be enclosed or in a humidified environment.

Sarracenialuver, one way to increase humidity in an enclosure or terrerium is to go to a drugstore or Wall-Mart type store a go to the isle where they display the KAZ and Vics humidifiers. They also sell wicks for the fan operated humidifiers that are a paper and fiberous material honeycombed into a shape that rapidly absorbs water. There are several different kinds for different models of humidifiers, with some having a metal strip inside them and some of them without the strip. I use the one's without it because it easier to cut. Then take heavy duty scissors or shears and cut the wick into 3 or 4 strips, depending on how wide you want them to be, then simply tie a string to them and hang them in your enclosure with the bottom dangling in a container of water.
This at least adds to the humidity along with whatever else you are using to provide it.