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Going to north carolina!

Guess what. I am going to Wilmington to see wild VFT's! I wll also go to the Chapel Hill Botanical Gardens! Does anyone know of any other places in NC that sell/have CP's?

Thanks, SunPitcher
be sure to take pictures so we can all see native flytrap country!
I'm jealous! Take pics! Have fun!

Yes, please get some pictures. Have a great time.
You're talking about my home, I can tell you alot of places, but I'll stick with the most amazing and the easiest to find. The Nature Conservancy. You'll see millions of S.flavas and if you look a little closer you'll see, S.rubras, purpureas, and minors If you get on your knees and look in the grass you may see D.capillaris, intermedias, filiformis, brevfolias and butterworts, and even vft's. Keep an eye open for the many bladderworts that's there. I even have a good greenhouse for you visit.
Remember TNC is watched very close.
While you're in SE North Carolina, keep an eye in the ditches you can find some nice cp's that way.

I'll send you a pm with directions.
Well I'm back home! Sorry Ozzy, didn't get to go to your place. Will have to go next time. Anyway, I saw a lot of CP's! S.flava, S.purpurea, D.intermedia, D.rotundifolia, D.capillaris, U.gibba, P. carulea, and of course, Dionaea muscipula! I am sure there was more. I also went to Niche Gardens and picked up quite a few plants. S.leucophylla 'Tarnok', S.flava, S.purpurea, S.minor, S.?(parrot pitcher plant- Don't know the other name), D. muscipula 'Dentae', D. intermedia, D. capillaris, and S. alata. I took five rolls of pictures. But how do I post some?

can you get them digital? i.e. scanned? if so, e-mail them to me and I will put them up for a while...

sswinney@petflytrap.com (not to many&#33
Yeah, I have a scanner. It might take awile for me to get my parents to set it up though. Thanks!