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Hi. Ever since I got my VFTs I started getting gnats in the house. I've come to the conclusion that they are attacted to the most soil the VFTs are planted in. Those little bugs are so annoying. What's the best way to get rid of them? Should I just spray my plants and the soil with an plant friendly insecticide? Please let me know what you all think. Thanks a bunch.

Putting a sundew or two around the vft will greatly reduce the number of gnats. If your situation has been like mine, fungus gnats love the moist soils I have my venus flytraps and Sarracenia in. Putting sundews in the same pot or in pots nearby takes care of the problem. Although they do not fully go away, there is a steady supply of gnats for the sundews. I rarely see a gnat now, except those clutched in the leaves of my sundews.
I would suggest sundews also. I had a gnat problem in my CP terrarium. I put a sundew in it and after six weeks it had eliminated the gnats almost completely. Another plus is you don't have to mess with sprays or chemicals.

Try some benificial neematodes I used them in my aquarium and they eliminated the problem completly by eating the larva of the gnats. try:
