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apple rings.. what more can i say?
What's a good brand-name fungicide for four VFT's, one purpurea, and one nepenthes? I need to now so I can get some ASAP because my plants are starting to go into dormancy and I'd like them to be protected.

Your nep doesn't need dormancy.
I am using Physan 20. It is a combo of Batericide,Viricide,Fungicide. Nice combo and is water soulable. I would go with Cleary 3336 form PFT for a small collection liek you have for dormancy. Banrot is mostly used in the spring with seeds,cuttings and protecting from Botrytis. Good luck!
Really? Where did you get it? I need to know quick before my cps start to fungus over.

Thanx again

This site sells clearys 3336, which is perfect for putting your plants in dormancy. I highly reccomend getting some.
What about Physan 20? Where did you get that?

Thanx... AGAIN