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From seed to seedling, yippie!

Joseph Clemens

Staff member
Finally - a nice crop of little plants from fuzzy little seeds:


Can you discern what they are?
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Oh wow! Baby Cephalotus! I need to get some seeds myself... Thanks for sharing (also for inspiring me), and good luck/have fun!

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Wow, I had about 30 fresh seeds from a very generous man, but they got moldy while startifying them so they never germinated  .  
Here is how I started my 11 little Cephalotus follicularis seedlings.

They were sown 5 May 2004 on the surface of 100% granulated Sphagnum peat moss. I kept them just damp but not wet, this was more easily accomplished by the use of a quart size Zip Loc brand, resealable plastic freezer bag. I kept them in their own bag and kept the bag under fluorescent lights, adjacent to my other CP.

The 90 grit silica sand, visible in the photo, is a late addition - I added the sand layer to help cover the plants roots to avoid any possible excess drying, since I was just about to remove them from their plastic bag incubation chamber and expose them to the ambient room air.

I presoaked the seed for about 5 minutes in a few drops of anti-bacterial liquid hand soap in a cup of warm water. I then thoroughly rinsed the seed in a fine mesh - wire straining basket and placed them, by hand (forceps), one by one equidistant from each other on the surface of their 2" x 2" pot. Within a few weeks 3 of them had germinated and were growing -- the remainder appeared to have contracted a fungal infection and I feared they would rot and suffer damp-off. More than a month later I was pleasantly surprised to see that the "mouldy" seed had germinated too.

My research on germinating Cephalotus follicularis seed indicated that no stratification was necessary.
Sweet! No long stratification period as indicated by Peter D'Amato! Definitely going to buy some seeds now. Thanks for your input, it really does help.
