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Fanged monkey pot

Does anyone know the scientific name of this plant? They have them at our botanical gardens and my Mom like them, so I thought I'd look into weither or not I could grow them. They are red, very rouded, shaped like a culdren almost and have a big lid with two downward pointing spikes (hence the name).
A agree with SF...sounds like you're descibing N. bicalcarata.

There's a pic of one here:
bical info
Fanged monkey pot is just a novelty name made to make the plant sound cute. Nepenthes pitchers are sometimes called monkey cups.

It has to be nepenthes bicalcarata. They aren't your typical houseplant so if she wants to grow one, she needs to meet the rather exacting growing requirements (probably on the link Schloaty provided). But they are beautiful!

To grow one, you need a very large enclosure with 100% humidity and very very warm temperatures, around in the 80-90F range. Eventually you will need a huge pot and huge area for it in which to reside.
Hi Darcie

You may have already read this N. bicalcarata thread but I thought I'd post it for you in case you hadn't.  It changed my mind on getting one for a while until I have a just a wee bit more room for one

New arrival(soon), Bicalcarata
