It’s a trap!
I am posting this information to find out how much interest there is for the formation of a new Carnivorous Plant Society in the Lake Erie Region, USA. Over the past few months, a small group has been visiting carnivorous plant bogs around Ohio. During this time, we have talked about creating a new Carnivorous Plant Society for those in the Ohio, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania. At this time we are looking for people interesting in joining such a group to find out if there is enough interest to continue pursuing the idea. The name that we have come up with is the Erie Carnivorous Plant Society. Our hope is to get a nice sized group that can meet once a month or bimonthly to share their experiences and information with others.
Please post here if you are interested. You can also email me directly from the forums.
Please post here if you are interested. You can also email me directly from the forums.