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Easy newbie mistakes

OK, so a few months ago, I decided to put together a couple of mini bogs. I had one a few years ago that a friend's dog destroyed, and this was my "return" to cps. Well, I ended up making three mini-bogs, as my addiction began to flourish. One of them didn't seem to be doing very well, however, and I didn't realize the cause for a long time. I bought some peat moss, sand, the proper pots, and thought I had it all correct. But closer inspection of my peat moss bag revealed it was impregnated with "Miracle-Gro"!!! GAHHHHHHH!!!!! I hadn't noticed it said this, as it was nearly identical to the bags of pure peat moss. I lost two of the plants in this bog, and the rest are, well, not too good looking, but finally improving. I've poured lots of distilled water through it regularly, and I think it's getting close to being a non-lethal environment. The other two mini-bogs got the last of the peat moss I still had from before, and they're doing great.

Is it reasonable to think that enough flushing will fix this, or should I replant the surviving plants? I'm hesitant because of the shaky status of the plants, which I'm not sure would survive the shock of replanting at this point. The vft that's there, for example, is nearly dead, and only now putting up a healthy-looking new trap.

The lesson here is: Read the soil packages carefully! Make sure you know what you're getting! I had figured that peat moss wasn't likely to have fertilizer in it, so I didn't even look. Bad move!


Man, that stinks. Good thing you figured out the problem. I think flushing will get them through the summer, but you really need to re pot them when they go dormant this winter. You're right, you want to avoid shocking a plant that's already struggling. If they seem to be improving some, that means that you probubly removed a large amount of the miracle gro from the medium, but I still think you're better off re-potting as soon as they go dormant.

Anyone else with more experience can probubly give you better advice than I can, but that's my theory.
Thanks schloaty, that sounds like a wise plan. One oddity is that the D. filiformis that's in there acts like there's nothing wrong at all.
