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Drosera nitidula ssp. nitidula

Hello all,
My Drosera nitidula ssp. nitidula has been flowering profusely lately, and over the last few weeks, one flower stalk produced normal buds, and flowers, but then the last "flower" turned into a true blue leaf!
This was about three weeks ago... Anyways, it is still there, dew and all, and I thought that it might be undergoing false vivipary (formerly known as vegative apoximis), but it never made another leaf, although there are two or three tiny (1-2 mm) little green "hairs" about 1-2 mm down from the leaf, which I was presuming to be underdeveloped roots, but I now don't think so, because nothing else (ie: more leaves growing) has happened... Anyways, I am baffled, and I'm still considering the following:

A: feed it and see what happens

or the more likely:

B: eventually remove it and treat it as a leaf cutting...

Has anyone ever witnessed the like?

Thanks in advance!!

Apomitic formation of new rosettes on spent scapes is a common thing amongst members of the D. nitidula complex, especially with the hybrid species. I rarely try to root them as I usually have all the plants I could EVER want from gemmae production. It is cool to watch them grow and form perfect rosettes held far above the pot: these species will do anything it takes to survive the harsh Australian summers!
Ok, as long as I've got an explanation!
I'll probably root it anyways, just because I'm not sure of gemmae until next year... Before I remove it, though, I was wondering if I should leave it on longer to allow it to grow more leaves or not?
Thanks again!!
I have had whole plants form in this way, so waiting won't hurt your chances any. Good luck with your experiment!

I have been letting mine grow. I let them get to a decent size and then bring them to ground level. I hold them there by placing a little soil onto the scape. I must warn you not to cut the scape away too early. I had a fairly large one that I thought was on the ground long enough. I cut it away, but it had not yet formed roots and died. I have two down now and thus far have left them attached.