I have a tuberous Drosera which I can't identify.
- It has a single erect, undiveded stem (about 15cm tall, maybe it can get bigger)
- it didn't produce a basal rosette
- the petioles are about 8-10mm long and arranged one "left", followed by one "right" (I don't know the English word for "wechselständig"). The distance between the petioles is about 10mm
- the leafes are perfectly circle-shaped (3-4mm in diameter), all of the outer glands have the same lenght (about 3-4mm)
- the leaf is pointed down
- it is slightly concave
I looked at Allen Lowrie's books and the most similar plant maching this descripion seems to be Drosera huegelii...
- the leafes are not very broadly(!) campaniform and not deeply(!) concave.
- the stem (and petioles) are covered with many white hairs (1mm in length) pointing downwards !!!!
My plant didn't flower yet and I can't discribe the tuber at the moment. I also don't have a picture...
Would be very interested to read your suggestions...
I have a tuberous Drosera which I can't identify.
- It has a single erect, undiveded stem (about 15cm tall, maybe it can get bigger)
- it didn't produce a basal rosette
- the petioles are about 8-10mm long and arranged one "left", followed by one "right" (I don't know the English word for "wechselständig"). The distance between the petioles is about 10mm
- the leafes are perfectly circle-shaped (3-4mm in diameter), all of the outer glands have the same lenght (about 3-4mm)
- the leaf is pointed down
- it is slightly concave
I looked at Allen Lowrie's books and the most similar plant maching this descripion seems to be Drosera huegelii...
- the leafes are not very broadly(!) campaniform and not deeply(!) concave.
- the stem (and petioles) are covered with many white hairs (1mm in length) pointing downwards !!!!
My plant didn't flower yet and I can't discribe the tuber at the moment. I also don't have a picture...
Would be very interested to read your suggestions...