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Drosera Care

I'm getting some seed. I need care from seed to adult.
What seeds are you sowing? Anyways, jsut sow the seeds over a mix of peat/sand (damp) and water from the bottom. Allow good lighting. They will germinate fast if the seeds are fresh. good luck-Zach
d. the one that sounds like california.
This is straight from the Savage Garden. D. Californica is a temperate sundew. (by the way I'm abbreviating all the text) Dormancy all depends on where the plant was cultivated. Cultivated in warmer climates needs shorter and warmer dormant period..... Easy to grow if given dormancy reuirements. Should only be reproduced through leaf cuttings. Sun to part sun. Sorry this is so splotchy and unclear but I'm trying to do it fast so I can go to bed. It's a hybrid of trayci and filiformis, I think. Fifty fifty perlite/ peat. Tray method works best for watering.
Shauntell, D. Californica  is not a sundew. Where is Savage Garden does it say it is? (pg#?)

There is no species named D. tracyi, so I assume you mean D. filiformis ssp tracyi? The hybrid between D. filiformis ssp filiformis and D. filiformis ssp tracyi is D. filiformis x 'California Sunset'. I think you have it confused since both genera are abreviated with a D. and both of the plants mentioned have something to do with California.

Darlingtonia Californica

Drosera filiformis

lithops, is your plant Darlingtonia Californica or D. filiformis x 'California Sunset'?