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Does anyone else see what I see?

  • Thread starter Pyro
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N=R* fs fp ne fl fi fc L
The word "new" is red in every post I find it in.

I am starting to get worried because no one else seems to be seeing it (or if they are they just are not mentioning it. )

I know it isn't my computer because it is happening both at my home and at work.

Am I going mad? Have you all decided to play a practical joke on me?

No. So I guess your nuts.
Try this: put a link here to a post with the red "new" word in it. Could be just CERTAIN posts that you happen to fall upon. Of course if noone else sees it then I guess your are nuts as I am not in on a practical joke being played on you.
<span style='color:purple'>New</span> <span style='color:red'>New</span> <span style='color:green'>New</span> <span style='color:eek:range'>New</span> <span style='color:yellow'>New</span> New <span style='color:red'>New</span> <span id='ME'><center>Tristan <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:green'><span style='font-family:algerian'>New</span></span></span></center></span> <span style='color:red'>New</span> <span style='color:blue'>New</span> See a whole bunch of identical news.
Thanks Tristan, you are so helpful

Now I know that he intentionally coloured all of them but let us try a test. I count 4 reds; the second, sixth, seventh in the first row and the first in the second row.
The sixth one should have been normal. I guess you are insane...
oh well
The sixth is normal? Not red bold? Well, at least I have a starting point now as to what to look for thaough I am not sure what it means.

Somebody else had that problem...but I can't remember who it was or where the post was. If you have posted this question before, maybe it was you!

I do not see "new" in red but I don't think you are the only one. Nobody seems to know why that happens but maybe Phil knows...??
