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Difference btw p.sethos and weser?

Hi all,

is there any diff (besides the flowers) btw these 2 pings?
For the definitive answer, one should read the original source that defined the cultivar:
Slack; Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:113 (1986)

The ICPS Database has the following quote:
"Of these (hybrids) I would mention [Pinguicula ' Sethos ' {Hort.Slack}] ([[Pinguicula moranensis {H.B.K.}] * [Pinguicula ehlersiae {Speta & Fuchs}]]), a fine, very floriferous clone with large orchid-purple flowers with a many-rayed mouth like a white star; [Pinguicula ' Weser ' {Hort.Slack}], of the same parentage and with rather similar flowers, has a solitary white streak down the central lower lobe and dark veins."