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Devil claw sprout

  • Thread starter larry
  • Start date
Check this out, I planted 15 Proboscidea parviflora var. hohokamiana (Devil's Claw) 6 days ago, and now I've got 12 that sprouted.  
  I'm expecting a few more to sprout in the next few days.
your lucky , i have 5 ibicella lutea seeds that have'nt germianted yet , ican't wait till they sporut .
cool! how long did it take for them to sprout? and what do you want to trade for a couple of seedlings?
hmm, 6 days ago from the 14th...

Spec, I'll PM you. It took 6 days for it to get this big. So I'm thinking that it poked out of the surface in 2-3 days. I planted the seeds in the container and left it in the oven. Then I promptly forgot about them until yesterday.
I've been soaking mine for a couple of weeks now, and keeping a water temp of about 80 degrees i think, when to i sow them and how?( i have 3 seeds, so germination chances are slim)
Soaking for a couple of weeks is too long! Soaking the seeds in smoke water for 24 hr or so might aid in germination. Remember, where these plants come from, the weather tends to be hot, and although there might be rain in the winter/spring, the weather is predominantely sunny and dry.

I am interested in the "oven" comment you made. Could you detail this a little more?
Hehe, the oven technique. I put them in the oven(not turned on) to keep them warm, that's all

This is the white seed variety that lack germination inhibitors, so germination takes place in only a few days.

The oven also works great for root cuttings!
  • #10

Do you have a pilot light in your oven? what keeps them warm? I usually sit my pots on top of the flourescent light ballasts.

You-re going to get a nickname soon if you keep this up....hmmmm, Seedy Larry?
  • #11

I also used to sit pots on top of the flourescent light ballasts, but the seeds only stayed warm during the day(nights are always cool around my area). I now use a padded heater for germinating seeds, tc etc. The heater I use is not the reptile heater, which is very small, produces too much heat and uses 30watts of electricity. I use a heating pad designed for heater sore backs etc. This pad is as large as the bottom of a 10 gallon terrarium and has three heat settings. I usually set the heater on low(probably uses only 15 watts or so, high setting=40watts).
  • #12
Yeah, my oven has a pilot light, so its always a little warmer in there. Perfect for winter germination.

Seedy Larry, I like that!
  • #13
I sowed about 5 seeds of P.parvifolia var. hohokamiana 'Paiute' a couple of days ago and 3 have sprouted now. I am surprised as these seeds are half a year old, and I did not store the seeds in the fridge. The entire seedling is covered with tiny glands(like pinguicula) with "dew".