I live pretty close to you, (25 miles) and I can tell you my plants would fry if I left them in full sun or a southern facing window.
I'm currently growing my flytraps in a northern facing window. They will get full bright indirect light all day, without too much heat. My house stays between 50-90F year round, which should be alright for the plants. You wouldn't want this temperature plus the heat from the sun, VFTs cannot handle it. I keep the trays filled with water, and refill every 24 hours when it dries out.
Alternately, you can try growing them in an eastern or western facing window so that they get direct sun for 6 hours, but this is risky in the summer! I'm growing my D. Capensis on the east side, but they're a whole different ballpark!
Do you have a red or green dragon? If you have a common VFT, it may not get as red as you're expecting, no matter how much sun it gets.