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Darlingtonia californica

I have been reading on this plant because my dad liked it and bought me one just because. I know how they catch their prey and stuff like that. Well I live in Lubbock, Texas which it only gets to about 96-97 at the most here in the summer. I don't know if I should keep it outside or inside. I don't want to keep it inside because I have read that the plant may start smelling bad if it has a lot of insects in it because it relies on bacteria and not enzymes. Anyone have any suggestions on where to put it AND what I should do to keep it in good shape??
well I kept mine iside for quite awhile and it never realy started to smell but then again there realy isnt an abundance of bugs for it to eat inside to make it get stinky
and let me tell ya they arent the easiest plat to feed since the opening of the trap is in a sorta akward angle for live food. My suggestion to that is earwigs caught by the pincers.

Anyway Ive heard from a few that it just gets too warm for them outside there in Texas so inside would be best.
I am going to move this to the american pitcher plant section.