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D. intermedia "florida"

Dro sera, sera,
Whatever will stick, will stick
Watch it eat and you'll get quite sick
Dro sera, sera.


Is intermedia "Florida" tropical, like the Cuban variety, or temperate, like some of the other Nor'merican forms?

I can stick it in my bog, in which case it will winter over at 35-50 F, or I can put it in the terrarium, where 50 will be the lowest temperature it ever gets.


I am growing this from seed (Thanks Plant-a-Kiss&#33
for the first time. My seedlings did not go dormant for me last winter, but this may be because they were immature. I would say from my experience with other forms of D. intermedia that you need not worry. If the plant decides it needs dormancy, nothing you can do will forestall or prevent it, so the question will answer itself in time.
So forcing a colder winter on a "tropical" variety won't hurt it? My worry is that a winter spent in my cold-but-sunny basement window would do it in, unless it hibernated.

Well, parts of Florida experience winter cold, so I think you would be ok. My ssedlings were fine with low 50F's but other than this, I have no experience.
Thanks, Tamlin, as always.
