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hey wesley,
When you make cuttings of neps you usually want to have at least 3 leaves on the cutting. above each leaf is a growth point where the new growth is going to come from,that is the only place its going to come from. Ive left only one leaf on a cutting before and now i have a dead or rooted cuttings with dead growth point so the plant will never grow.
cutt the stem at an angle so as to make more area for the rooting hormone to contact. rooting hormone you can buy at any garden department from home depot to wall mart, the two main brands are "rootone & take root. rootone is probely the best becouse it has fungicide in it.Then follow the directions on the rooting hormone. take the bottom most leaf offthe cutting, if it does not leave enough stem to place in the medium(long fiberd sphagnum or vermiculite). You can cut the leafs in half on the cutting(which is probely the safest way) or leave them intact some this works for not as well for others. i would cut the leafs in half until you become more experienced. cutting the leafs reduces the amount of water the plant loses.
place the cutting in a very hummid place with good light with the pot in a water tray so that the vermiculite or sphagnum stays moist.In about a month you should start to see root growth some take longer up to a couple months to root so dont fret if its taking a while
Yes, some cuttings are ungodly slow at rooting! My N maxima and N maxima X bongso cuttings have only 2 leaves and the start of their 1st pitcher after nearly 5 months in near perfect conditons! Whereas the N x Ventrata, N xCoccinea and others have made themselves into full fledged plants 3 feet tall with a pitcher on each leaf in much less time!
I like to use clear deli containers (with a few holes punched in the bottom) to root my cuttings-then you can see when they are established rootwise and ready to go into a real pot.
Very good on explaining the Nepenthes cuttings guys!
On making a cutting of a Sarracenia you can cut healthy rhizhome off and place it in soil and root it that way OR you can cut a sliver of rhizhome with a pitcher atached to it and root that. I have done both ways succesfully.
So in a nutshell you cut three or so leaves in one bunch off the stem of the nep. at an angle and place them in rooting hormone and stick them in the soil. You do pretty much the same with purple pitcher plants but you cut the pitcher off with a sliver of the rhizhome. Would you then spray you plant with a fungucide to reduce the chance of disease? With the nep. would you want to just cut the three leaves off the top of the plant? Then would it continue to grow from that spot or would branch off if you cut them off at the main stem?
The Nepenthes are done by chopping the vine into several node pieces. Where each leaf connects to the stem is one node. So when your done you have one or more pieces of stem with several leaves attached. Each piece should be several inchs long or longer. Remove enough leaves off the bottom of each cutting so that there is 1-2" of bare stem. Make a couple vertical slits at the base about 1/2" long. Dip in rooting hormone (optional) and carefully pot the cutting into moist sphagnum. Place the pots with the cuttings in bags and put in a bright spot with no direct sun..
If the plant has really long leaves with tendrils and pitchers you may wish to cut the leaves back also. (optional)
The main plant should still have some green leaves on it. New shoots will form from the leaf axils in time.
Here's a page from Tony's website that should help you understand. It has the detailed steps of what to do as well as pictures to better illustrate everything.
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