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Sure, you could grow them in Tissue Culture medium if you can keep them sterile or you could grow them hydroponicly if you can match your set up to their needs, but the reason most every one uses spagnum in one form or another is because it is readly available and relatively inexpensive and matches what most of these plants live in in nature.
Hi Stir,
A variety of other soils with low nutrients can be used. It all depends on the genus/species. Sarracenia and flytraps and many others grow well in peat:sand in equal parts. I grow many of my mexican pings in vermiculiteerlite and/or sand in a 1:1 or 1:1:1 ratio.
Actually CP2K Sarracenia Purpurea spp. Purpurea will not grow well in peat and sand. It should only be grow in Live Sphagnum moss. I have tried other various mixes and they will just not do it for the plant. But all other Sarracenia will do fine in any mix. And ALL Sarracenia will do good in Live OR Dead Sphagnum moss if other ingrediants aren't available.
NG, I didn't know that. I've seen some healthy purpurea ssp. purpurea in peat and sand/perlite at CC's. Maybe it depends upon the location that the plants originated from?
Really? Hmm.....I may try it again. I tried it with an adult plant and maby it was so used to the Sphagnum I had it in before it didn't like the change. Hmmm....I don't know but I'll try it again. Does CC'S Stand for California Carnivores? I am assuming it does as Peter knows what he is doing.
I have heard the same thing. When S.purpurea ssp. purpurea is transplanted from a live sphagnum medium into a peat and sand medium after growing in the sphagnum for a while, the whole plant decreases in size/dies back. CC stands for California Carnivores.
What is the orange clay stuff? Any clay medium will kill sarrs.
Hmm.....Well I have tried it and see what happened to me? The same thing. I have however seen PP in the New Jersy Pine Barrens growing in Peat/Sand Soil mixes. Well since I have TONS!!!!! Of seedlings I just germinated i may try that on them but on the other hand if someone wants a PP from me I want it to be large and healty soo I'll stick with the Live Sphagnum Moss. As that is waht I see them in readily in the wild.
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