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it seems that the last few days my computer has been acting odd. The cursor keeps stalling and i dono why, my resources are open to 80% and above and it keeps doing it. It sems to do it after i open a new webpage... But then after a while ti stops and then kicks up again.
Could be driver problems, IRQ conflicts or even DirectX problems. Did you install any new programs just before you started having the problem? And what version of Windows are you using?
To eliminate DirectX as the problem, try running 'dxdiag' from the command line. It'll tell you if DirectX is running okay.
The last time I had a mouse problem like that, I fixed it by reinstalling the mouse, video and audio drivers. I don't know where the conflict was but reinstalling the mouse alone didn't fix it. Reinstalling all three did the job.
Not to alarm you, but it's a possiblility that you could have a computer virus. Have you scanned your drives and defragmented lately? That could also be a reason for your computer to bog down.
Sorry to say it but... get used to it! I have the EXACT same problem! I called Dell and they had 0 clue. It's not a virus - had the problem since day 1 - 3 years ago although it only really acts up when I am low on RAM and on the internet... odd! Eventually you should get used to it...
Many people here were hit with the Klez virus, which acts a lot like what's been described. (pssst...Dell doesn't know that much...they just want to sell you some more hardware)
I'll add my $0.02 worth. You may want to check to see if the old mouse was dirty. When/If you do check, it most likely will not be the ball, most people make the mistake of cleaning the ball and then wonder why it still does not work. The rollers inside the mouse are what needs cleaned. They build up a narrow layer of gunk on the rollers, to clean them, scratch off the gunk with your finger nail and then try it again. Make sure you get it all, if there is any left then you will have intermitant problems with mouse movement. If the ball is really shiny then it needs cleaned also, but it usually takes a lot of use in a really dirty environment or someone who uses a lot of hand lotion. (the lotion from the hands gets on the mouse pad and the ball picks it up from there)
So everyone stop what you are doing right now, flip your mouse over, turn the locking plate counter clock wise and pull out the ball. Look at the rollers. See I told you so, the rollers are filthy aren't they.
You may just be surprised how well you mouse works after you clean it.
Sorry DarthBuck, I can"t find that lock plate or ball thingy. Maybe if it quit shining that bright red light in my eyes I could see what I was doing. (
You do need to get an optimouse. I recommend Logitech. They even make them in different sizes! I just like the simple regular sized one with the scrolling button in the middle. Good stuff, cheap, and no cleaning needed.
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