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Coconut Fiber (Coir) For Pings?

Has anyone here used Coconut Coir for Mexican Pinguicula? If so, what were your results?
The ground up coir? Have moranensis and Aphrodite growing in a mix of coir and coarse silia sand. They've been doing well.
Yes, the fine ground up fiber. Thank you for the input, I will try a ping in this mix and see how it does. I use peat right now, but I think it is a bit acidic and it dries out too easily.

Is there a specific brand I should look for?
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I would wash it very thoroughly, just in case, since that stuff can have a lot of salts in it
So I finally tried this growing medium. It has been 6 days with my test pinguicula plants. If I did not rinse it enough or if it was going to cause problems, I would have noticed something by now, yes? The roots are all good and some plants are producing more mucous than ever.
Hmm, I'm not sure. I actually (2 weeks ago) planted a Capensis and a ping into a salty sand mix. My Capensis immediately showed signs of mineral burn while the ping isnt showing any damage yet. I'd just keep a close eye on it
I have had similar experiences with Drosera. They seem to be extremely delicate plants, while pinguicula seem to be pretty tolerant of environmental changes.